Planting Vineyards,

Redeeming the Land.

"Israel is the project of all people who believe." (The Late PM Ariel Sharon)

Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria; the farmers will plan them and enjoy their fruit. – Jeremiah 31:5

The Judea & Samaria are vital regions for Israel’s future, with Jerusalem placed right in the midst of. Building Israel’s involvement in vineyard planting and increasing new farms, is the most effective way to help redeem the land.

1. Identifying

Through our network in J&S Building Israel identifies small vineyard farmers
who need financial assistance to expand their vineyards. We believe Jer. 31:5 to be our moral and historic compass.

2. Developing

The first step is bringing in heavy earth moving equipment to uproot the very rocky terrain. We then prepare the soil for plantation, and thanks to your help, we can help them purchase advance irrigation and fertilizing systems.

3. Giving

All donations that go to LAND are directly invested in machinery, or plants. Our mission is the assist those farmers accelerate their growth and reach economic independence faster, whilst fulfilling the Mitzva of redeeming the LAND.

Your Help Goes Directly to Redeeming the Land of Israel


Help families build in the land God has given.

Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria; the farmers will plant them and enjoy their fruit. – Jeremiah 31:5